There is no need to wait until you get home to publish you photos on Facebook, you can do that from your iPhone. If you have an iPhone and the Facebook app installed then you can upload all the photos you want just by pushing a button. You can add all your photos on you Facebook page as is if you were at home: to an existing album or to a new one. That way, if you see something interesting you can just take a picture of it and sent it to your Facebook not only to share it with others, but to keep for yourself as well. For example, if you’re looking to dye your hair and are looking for some good blonde hair color ideas, you can take pictures whenever you see a nuance that you might like. But you don’t have to limit yourself to blonde hair color ideas and the like, you may be interested in remembering recipes, or finding decorative ideas for the home. Now you can do it simply and easily, in a manner that is fun and entertaining. Once you have uploaded your pics they show up instantly on your profile which means that you get to share beautiful memories with the people you love. Here are the steps on how to put pics on your Facebook page using the iPhone.

  • The first thing you have to do is tap the Facebook app so that you can enter into your account.
  • Now that you have entered your account find the small box in the right corner of the screen which contains nine small squares. By tapping them you will get to Facebook home screen.
  • On the home page select Photos and a list of albums will appear, albums which you previously created.
  • You can add photos to an existing album by simply selecting the album where you want them to go or you can add them to a new album by taping the plus on the screen situate in the right corner. If you do not want to upload photos into an existing album you can create one by selecting new album. All you have to do is type the name of the album and add a location, you can also add a description if you want. At the end just tap Create and the window for your new album will open.
  • To add photos from your phone simply tap the camera icon from the right corner and select Choose from Library. You will see that a list of photos will appear on your screen.
  • From that album list tap the album you want and from that tap the photos you want to add to your Facebook profile.
  • Select the photos you want and tap upload. You will see that the photos will start to download and you will see the progress of the upload because a bar will appear on the screen indicating it.
  • After the photos have finished uploading you can see them in the album on your Facebook application.

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